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Tuina massage helps relieve cough in children

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Parents should be worried if their child is always suffering from cough and cold. Small children have trouble sleeping at night due to uncomfortable conditions. There are different ways to get relief from cough in children besides getting special treatment at the doctors office or hospital. This method can be done by parents sitting at home. Robin Green acupuncturist and licensed herbalist recommends that parents massage the Tui channels to relieve coughs in children. This massage method is very gentle and applies pressure only to specific areas. It stimulates the bodys ability to heal over time. Heal yourself

  • To relieve a cough, pinch the area below the shoulder blade using a little pressure to stimulate lung and chest function.
  • Pull the pinched muscle up with the thumb and gently pull it down like kneading two small pieces of dough.
  • Continue this massage for 30 seconds – 2 minutes until the skin looks a little red or when the child feels calmer.



Parents can read more about massaging techniques to relieve a child’s cough the Tuina way here



Can also watch under tuina massage method.
